#sun x moon
planetpedri · 3 days
I like (the idea) of you — Pedri Gonzalez.
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Pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Fem!Reader
Summary: You only ever knew one thing. You couldn’t stand Pedri. You were like the sun! Vibrant and cheerful and he was just.. there. Always sarcastic but also just too serious for your liking. But your friends insist he’s perfect for you.
Word count: 1.07k
Disclaimer/s: Playful threats , hints at (one sided) enemies to lovers sort of (?), banter, ect. part two
A/N: Making this because i’m rewatching Criminal Minds and I love Penelope and Luke’s trope so thats what this is! part two possibly lmk!
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Agreeing to go out with friends for dinner was somewhat of a good idea, until you realize who else would be coming along. Pedri. The man who seemed to get on your nerves every time he opened his mouth.
Now was no different. You were sitting down across the table from him, in some sick and twisted joke, everyone left that specific spot open for you as you’d been the last to arrive.
With your lips pursed and eye’s narrowing, you watch the small smirk that threatened to pull on Pedri’s lips. “Oh shut it.” You huff, “there was traffic.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Pedri’s hands shoot up in mock defense, his amusement with you clear in his voice.
“Sure you weren’t.” You roll your eyes. Finding a distraction, you flatten the cloth napkin you had placed on your lap.
Once you were fully content that the napkin was straightened out, you return your attention to your friend’s conversation.
A nudge to your ankle steals your attention though, and immediately annoyance surges through you. “May I help you?” Your tone sharp, one you’d only ever used on him as being snappy wasn’t really your thing.
That’s one of the reasons you couldn’t stand the man. You were never like this with anyone. You were usually a very happy girl, always smiling, always doing things for others… but Pedri. Oh dear. He brought out a side of you, up until you met him, you didn’t know you had.
Pedri shrugs, “how’s your day going?” This was definitely a joke.
“Are you being so serious right now?” You laugh, “this is like—okay. Sunshine and rainbows, sunshine and..” You attempt to calm yourself, you need to be nice. You know it.
“Your day was sunshine and rainbows?” His stubbled cheeks rising as his lips curved. He knew what he was doing, and he was making it very, very hard to be civil.
“No—I mean. Well, yes. It was. But that’s not why I was saying it, weirdo.” You add the last part as a final dig. You were being so petty and Pedri laughs.
He laughs, and your stomach hurts. Why was it hurting? Were you coming down with something? That’s the only reasonable reason. Pedri’s eyes gleam with humor and you had to physically pull your eyes away. What the hell was wrong with you?
“You okay?” Pedri asks, his head tilting to the left in attempt for you to meet his eyes again. Something flashing across his face when you finally return gaze, but you couldn’t quite pinpoint what it meant.
“Yes, you just… you piss me off.” That seemed to be the only words you could form, his warm almond eyes burning into yours.
He laughs again, “why? I’m such a delight to be around, just ask anyone here.” His hand comes up to motion around the table, pointing to your various friends who were all busy with their own conversations.
“Delight? More like demonic.” Oh. Okay that did not make any sense. But, you digress. “Okay, thats enough from you.” You point accusatorially at him.
Pedri seems to be finding this all very entertaining, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. Your eyes trailed the small motion before you came to your senses.
This is Pedri. The man you nearly hated. So why were you suddenly so attentive to his every movement, his every expression. Why was it making you feel so.. flustered?
“If i’m demonic, what does that make you?” The dark haired man raises his perfectly shaped eyebrows. He leans forward in his seat, propping his elbows against the table, and resting his chin in his palms.
Leaning forward, mirroring his movements, you wriggle your eyebrows. “An angel. A perfect, beautiful, angel!” Feeling content with your reply, you lean back into your chair and smile.
“Yeah.” He grins, nodding his head as if he actually agreed.
Oh! Oh, oookay. Right.
There was that feeling in your gut again. That awful churning. That feeling that made your heart stop beating. Why was he flirting with you? This was flirting right? But the problem lied within you. Why did you.. like it?
Pedri notices the crease in your forehead, his grin dropping. “Sorry—was that—“
“It’s fine!” You clear your throat, forcing a tight lipped smile onto your face. “Oh! The waiter!” Perfect timing.
Despite your attention diverting to the waiter, who was now taking everyone’s order, Pedri can’t keep his eyes off you. He scans your face, sinking in the details he rarely got to examine, since you usually sat as far away from him as possible.
“And you sir?” The waiter asks, awaiting Pedri’s order.
The group of friend’s all turn to Pedri, knowing grins on their faces as they see his cheeks flare burgundy. He stumbles over his words, spewing out his order rapidly.
You raise an eyebrow at his flustered state. Pedri Gonzalez, with a blush you’d seen on him many times, but this time simply for being embarrassed. Glancing at your friend, you give her a look as if to ask, ‘what’d I miss?’
She chuckles, giving you a knowing look back. Still, you didn’t understand what was going on. Rolling her eyes, she leans over toward you. “Hey, have you considered what I asked you last week?” Asking it quietly as to not alert a certain someone of the conversation.
“I told you to drop that.” You groan, head tilting back before once again, turning back to her. “Never gonna happen.”
“Why not? I heard you talking earlier, you’re perfect for each other! He so want’s you—hey!” She gasps, hand covering her nose in hurt since you’d just flicked it.
“Fuck you.” Giving her the middle finger, you choose to ignore her giggles. Once her attention was stolen from you, your mind wonders to Pedri.
Sure, he was easy on the eyes, funny when he wanted to be (not that you’d ever admit that out loud), caring (also when he wanted to be), so sure. In most aspects, he wasn’t totally a bad idea.
You couldn’t believe you just thought that. Your brain had thought something nice about Pedri? Who were you?
For the rest of the night that’s all you could think about. Him and you. You and him. And for some reason, you didn’t mind it. In a way, you kind of… liked the idea of him.
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Likes , comments , and reblog’s are all appreciated. Feel free to let me know if you want tagged in future posts <3
DTS , @halfwayhearted @spidybaby @gadriezmannsgirl !
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melodi-jackson · 1 day
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My favorite blocky gay bots :)
And eclipse 🥲
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sam1127884 · 2 days
Let me adore you❤️🩵
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nebula-remnants · 19 hours
Without husband vs with husband
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Plus a bonus doodle of au moon because I love him
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moldy-beans · 1 day
You should totally draw all moons looking lovingly at sun…just a thought yknow…
BUT FR THO! Lore so yummy I smelt it years in advance
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(sadly not canon, but I'll still draw sun and all four husbands)
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potatoeschaps45 · 3 days
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Dtiys I’m hosting back in my Instagram account for reaching 300+ followers :D
If you guys would like to join in just tag me in it (preferably in insta so I can share it with the others over there =w=)
My user is potatoeschaps_ (I’m not creative with names yall)
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wickjump · 2 days
sun and moon fnaf are in love and are also so painfully tragic and nobody gets them like me. imagine sharing a body with your lover. knowing them so intimately and also never being able to hold their hand. familiar with every inch of your shared body and yet not knowing how it feels to kiss them (or whatever those weird faceplates are capable of).
and then there’s also the doomed part. watching your lover become more and more corrupted, until your other half is gone and replaced with something almost mindless and violent and a pawn in the game of people who want to hurt what you were made to protect. and then just being stuck like that. stuck in the constant light, terrified of what will happen if you let them out again (even though you once loved them, and honest to god you still do, but you just can’t trust them anymore). you can’t trust yourself anymore, not when you know that your body—your shared body—has participated in harming the children you were created to care for. idk gay people blehhh im so tired rn
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cynicalcyrus · 2 days
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Hello every nyan
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enby--ghost · 2 days
I wanna see something about the DCA Fandom
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la2yn0va · 18 hours
Paring: Rappa x Male Reader
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Plot: Rappa pulls an Argenti and flirts with ‘Ninja Kawaī otokonoko’ (pretty boy) due to suffering from love at first sight.
Notes: I’m sorry to do this but I’m gonna have to go on hiatus again. But hopefully this one will only last a couple days — maybe a week but that’s all. Still working on requests and I don’t wanna rush one out and make it bad, so have this as compensation.. btw, didn’t expect me to like rappa this much.
Rappa stares with starry eyes, looking at the fourth member of the trailblazers crew, M/n. She felt her great beat faster, along with her mind suddenly painting imagines of you and her.
Rappa didn’t know what this was, until she remembered her masters, and boothill’s words of ‘love’. She believed that’s what she was feeling right now, love. Boothill always did say how unpredictable it was, and her master seemed to talk highly of this feeling.
Rappa: Baseball Ninja! Ninja Hiryū!
She greeted loudly as the three turned to face her.
Trailblazer: Hello Dazzling Ninja! I
The trailblazer greeted her while Dan Heng nodded as a greeting.
M/n: Dazzling ninja… oh rappa. Your the one who saved trailblazer from the monkeys yes?
Rappa: Indeed Ninja Kawaī otokonoko! I, dazzling ninja rappa, leave ninja galactic baseball from the evil ninja—
M/n: Uh… what did she call me?
Dan Heng: ..She called you Ninja ‘Kawaī otokonoko’
Rappa: Excuse my rudeness Ninja Kawaī otokonoko, but I must confess..
Rappa grabs his hands and interlocks them, softly swinging them and smiling almost ear to ear with love struck eyes, in contrast of m/n’s confused eyes and flushed face.
Rappa: You look utterly beautiful. In my entire lifetime, and the lessons I learned, there are no words that can describe how Divine and breathtakingly succulent you are. Please allow me to share my attraction for you with external day and night’s out together, Ninja Kawaī otokonoko~
The three astral express members could only stare in bafflement and disbelief. Dan Heng and (Trailblazer) stared with agaped mouths and eyes that seemed to bulge out.
M/n stared with a red face, unable to fully comprehend what the words he heard actually meant. There’s simply no way it could actually be a declaration of love from a stranger right?
Rappa continued to stare lovingly, before bringing up on of his hand and kissing it, winking at him then reveling a toothy grin.
M/n: I-I…I…N-no?
Rappa: Huh..? No? Why would you deny my confession… ah! I see! You’ve been ensnared in the evil seal of embarrassment! No matter! I will be patient and await your agreement, Ninja Kawaī otokonoko!
She declared before bowing at Dan Heng and (Trailblazer), then winking at m/n and swiftly walking away. The three nameless stood, stun locked for a good minute before (Trailblazer) cut through the silence
Trailblazer: How the hell did you manage that!?
M/n: I-I don’t… dude what the hell was that!!?
Dan Heng: love at.. first sight perhaps..?
M/n: Dan Heng! Your smart! How the heck am I meant to approach this!
Dan Heng: I-I don’t.. that isn’t my area of expertise.. perhaps ask March?
-The End-
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alynwrench · 1 day
@nebula-remnants we're so good at this
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sunny-sourzii · 4 months
I tried a different style of drawing for funzies
Look at sun and his mentally unstable murderous husband
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Hhehehehe look at the babies
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We 💞 grumpy x sunshine ship dynamic here
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smokbeast · 21 days
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”Googly Eyes”
#dcatober24 day 3
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maxxzophone · 1 month
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moldy-beans · 1 day
can we have more sweet/lovely dovey moments between sun and moon? Idk if they're actually the type to get all soft and such but I crave to see them happy and in love <3
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gloomzter · 3 months
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